518 Correspondence of Gov. Horatio Sharpe, 1754-1765.
Sepr the 20th 1759. Sir I have, but time to acknowledge
both yis of the 13th of July owning yr receipt of his Lordps
Inst" & Letr dated the 17th & 30th of March with the Kings
Attory Genl opinion as well as My two Letrs to you of the
same time, the Circumstances of Talbot Manor will be very
Acceptable. Yr Intentcons to Mr Nicholson, his son is with
thanks reca by his Friends. Govr Denny's Character is im-
peach'cl here, his gain may want a Sear Cloth to his Honour
& Conscience. The Successes by Conquest of General Am-
herst, Ticonderoga & Crown Point & Sr Wm Johnson of
Niagara are Glorious Events & Crowned by Genl Stanwix
distroying all their fforts on the Ohio bet: the Mongahalia &
the Erie Lake will Effectually rout & clear off the ffrench
Southl & give Peaceable Quiet to Maryland. By this oppor-
tunity I have answered Mr Dulany's Letr the 26th of Decr
recd the 14th Instant. His Letr is Obliging & of kind ap-
plause of you I have said nothing of his Protest, have re-
turned him his Lordps knowl abt Aliens. Extracts taken
from B. Naturalization Bill with some Observations of yrs
strengthing the same but not from you or B. Major Genl
Amherst is appointed Chief Govr of Virginia in the Room of
the Earl of Loudoun, the Marquies of Granby Lt Genl of
his Majesty's Forces to the office of Ordinance & Col: Wal-
grave col. of the Queens Regimt of Dragoon Gerards Both
in the Room of Lord George Sackville. Her Highness Prin-
cess Elizabeth Caroline died the 6th of this Instant.
Post Admiral Boscawen has met Yrs. truly
M. De. La. Clew in the Mediteranean Cecils Calvert.
Sea taken two 74 & a 60 Gun Ships
Burnt and 80 and 74 Gun Ships M. De. La
Clew was wounded went from on Board
on Afric shorg.
To his Excelly Horatio Sharpe Esqr in Maryland.
[Cecilius Calvert to Horatio Sharpe]
London Novr 18th 1759.
By Mr Mather, I have yrs Augt the 23rd he shew'd Me Your
Testimonium & Mr Tasker's Letr of his character as candi-
date for Holy Orders, Lord Baltimore on Merit thereof, con-
senting to Notifye him to the Lord Bishop of London, agree-
ably I gave him a recomendatory Lef to Doctor Nichols
the Bishop's Secy acquaintg his Lordp on his Ordination, that
Lord Baltimore on his part at convenient time would Insti-
tute him into his Provincial Benefice, the Secy on Examina-
tion finding him of Age a year deficient, told him he could