Correspondence of Gov. Horatio Sharpe, 1754-1765. 517
[Cecilius Calvert to Horatio Sharpe]
London Sepr the 6th 1759
Yrs the 4th of June & Packet recd Augt the 26th which I have
communicated to his Lordp & you have inclosed his considera-
tion & Direction thereupon. He says, 'tis to his Surprise!
in the Journal Leave out the word Protestant Alien, a Syl-
lable on the Occasion he will abide by. the Affair of Milligen
& Lloyd he rests assured of Your rectitude & decernment of
their Bickerings; the Latters conduct, he disapproves much
his remissness of Essentials. He requests your consideration
with his Judges of the Land Office & the Surveyor of Fred-
erick County to lay out and Run a Survey of about Ten
Thousand Acres in one Manor or devided into two under the
Title of Frederick if two Litchfield. this disposition of
Property, he desires Your care that it be of the best Land for
him & near as can Water carriage with Accuracy Planed & a
Copy thereof returned him from the Land Office. Before the
receipt of Yrs April the 20th his Lordp had appointed Mess"
Caple & Osgood Hanbury Trustees, joint with Mr Hunt
agreeable to the Act of 1733 & 1753, For Emitting £90,000
Current Money of Maryland: he has no Exception to Mr
Anderson, Mr Hunt is aged, on his Demise he will be ap-
pointed; I have sent to the Trustees for an Exact Account
concerning, on receipt will be forwarded to you to lay before
the Assembly.
I have not time to write to Mr Lloyd Recr Genl Be pleased
to Acquaint him his Bills of Exchg amtg to £1361..17..4 1/4
£668..8..2 £48..1..5 are carryed to his Lordps Account.
Inclosed Public Events, the King of Prussia near Franck-
fort on the Oder the 12th of Augt by Battle between the
Imperial Army of Russia under General Count de Soltickow
joined by a Large Detachment of Cavalry of Austrians from
Count Dann, over Powered by a Mass of Troops meet with
Severe check, tho' his Loss is thought considerable, yet the
Enemys is more Considerable. His Majesty had two Horses
shot under him, his Behaviour as usual Magnanimous; he is
Encamped near Berlin, God send him Success. I have write
to you since Christms under care of Mr Perkins, Mercht and
his Lordp the same inclosed the Attory Genls opinion under
care of Mr Lee Brother to Mr Lee of Potomack whose de-
parture was on Board Mr Russels Ship last Feby of these
Letrs tis hoped soon the hearing from you
Post Mr Hamilton is appointed Govr by the Yrs Sincerly
Proprietors of Pensilvania. Cecils Calvert
Duplicate the Original sent by the last
New York Packet