aforesaid is said to have been done is one Mile and the
half of one mile within the Bounds of the province of Mary-
land as they have been always deemed for thirty or thirty five
years Last past and this Deponent further says that the place
Where one John Sharp lived at the Time the said Outten was
killed is Within the reputed Bounds of Maryland at least
three quarters of a mile and this deponent Also Says that
about Fifteen years ago by one Abraham Ingram who lived
to the Eastward of the said Sharps and near the Bounds of
Sussex, he was told that he was allowed for the Heads of the
Wolves he killed by the then County of Somerset in Mary-
land, and this Deponent also says that about a Fortneight
before Outten was killed he saw the above Named John
Willey and one Coverdale as he was Informed at Lanta
Slavens House five or Six Miles within the Bounds of Mary-
land with Clubs and Willey at his first Coming enquired for
Outten, saved he would not be Taken by the Maryland Offi-
cers and that he would die before he would and if he could
not help him Self and his Backers failed him he must Suffer,
and further this Deponent sayeth not his
John I S Short
Taken & Sworn the 7th day of mark
March 1759 before me
Robert Jenkins Henry.
Maryland Worcester County to wit
John Laws of Worcester County in the Province of Mary-
land Gentleman aged Forty four Years or thereabout being
Sworn on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God Before me
Robert Jenkins Henry one of the Right Honble the Lord
propry his Justices of the provincial Court of Maryland De-
poseth as follows, That about Fifteen years past this Depon-
ent settled towards the head of Worcester County under a
Grant from the Lord Baltimore and having Occasion to make
Inquiry into the then Deemed Boundaries, Between the said
County in the province of Maryland and the County of
Sussex under the pensylvania Government from Sundry
Persons who were older Setlers in that part of the Country
then him self was told by them that a Branch Issuing out of
Nanticoke River called Tuseky Branch was the Devisional
bounds in that part between the said Counties and there have
been some surveys made under the Lord Baltimore to the
North Eastward of the said Tuseky Branch, and within
Nine years Last past some Surveys have also been made to
the South westward by the Surveyor of Sussex County, and
this Deponent further says as to the place where John Willey
lived at the time William Outten is say'd to be killed by him