p. 295
Somerset sst
The Deposition of John Spicer of Worcester County
Planter aged Twenty nine years and upwards being Sworn
on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God deposeth and saith,
That this Deponent hath resided in Worcester County near
the Borders between Worcester County in Maryland and
Sussex County in pensylvania for seventeen years Last past
and this Deponent farther sayeth that during all the Time
aforesaid he hath understood that the Drains of Gravelly
Branch to be the Division between Maryland and Pensyl-
vania, the Land on the East side of the said Drains to be in
Pensylvania & the Lands on the West side of the said Drains
to be in Maryland that he this Deponent in the year of our
Lord Seventeen Hundred and forty nine was appointed by
Worcester County Court Constable of the Upper Hundred
of the said County which Adjoins to the said Borders and
this Deponent further sayeth that while he Continued to be
Constable as afsd all persons on the West Side of the said
Drain give themselves in as Taxables in Maryland and were
reputed Inhabitants of Maryland and in every thing Sub-
mitted to the Government of Maryland and this Deponent
further saith that he knows the place where William Outten
was killed by John Willy (as reputed) and says that the same
place is near two miles to the Westward of the said Drains
and this Deponent further sayeth that during the Time he
was Constable as aforesaid there was delivered to him a
Warrant to take a Certain Richard Coverdale Jun. (which
Coverdale as this Deponent has heard was one of Willies
party at the time Outten was killed) that the said Coverdales
Plantation at that Time lay Adjoining to the said Drain on
the West side thereof and that the House of the said Cover-
dale was about two Hundred yards from the said Drain and
that this Deponent was going to the House of the said Cover-
dale to Serve the said Warrant and that the said Coverdale
seeing this Deponent run from his House through his plan-
tation and crossed the Drain and as soon as he had crossed
the Drain and got to the Easternmost Side thereof he stopped
and sayed you cannot take me for I am in Pensylvania
John Spicer