336 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1753-1761.
Lib. J. R.
& U. S.
the said Bridge Issued out of Nanticoke River came up by
Abraham Ingrams and that Was the then deemed Boundary
in that part between the said Counties and this Deponent
further says that he has Since been Informed by other per-
sons that the said Branch Runs up to a place called Maple
Marsh, and that he this deponent a few years past was a
Special Bailiff of Ephraim Waggaman then Sheriff of Wor-
cester County to serve some precepts upon persons Residing
and Inhabiting near the upper Borders of the said County &
had Occasion to enquire of Sundry Persons in that neigh-
bourhood in Regard to the Deemed Boundaries between the
afsd Counties that he might act Safely in the serving the
Process afsd and this Deponent was told by them that he
might Safely Act to the West ward of any of the Dreans of
Nanticoke and Some of the said processes he served particu-
larly one precept on one David Ingram and before he served
it he asked the said Ingram whether he lived in Maryland
who said he did and tho there was a small Drean of Nanti-
coke to the Westward of his Plantation yet the Main Drean
was to the Eastward thereof and further this Deponent
sayeth Not Jas. Collins
Taken & Sworn the 9th day of March 1 759
before me Robt Jenkins Henry.
Maryland sst
Worcester County
John Shoot of Worcester County
Planter acred Fifty four years or there
abouts being sworn on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God
Deposeth as follows, That this Deponent has for about thirty
or thirty five years Last past lived at or near a place called
and known by the name of Deep Creek towards the head of
the New County of Worcester and then being in Company
with Sundry Persons one Henry Toadwine and John Cald-
well commonly then Distinguished by the Name of Tusaky
John Caldwell who this Deponent was Informed were horse
Rangers for the then Somerset County the said Henry come
with a Mare they had Caught in Ranging and having been
asked by one of the Company where they had caught that
Mare the said Henry Answered, that they had Caught her
on this side the Drains of Delaware in the said County
of Somerset at a place then and still called and known by
the Name of Horse Savanah which this Deponent was
then unacquainted with, but Since hath been well known
to him, and this Deponent further says that he has been
near but not at the place where he is Informed one John
Willy Lived at the time it is saved he killed William Out-
ten and where that, fact is saved to be Committed and this
Deponent Verily believes that where the said fact so as