that he the said Draper would Clear from the Mill afsd as
far as Maryland Extended which was as far as Lofleys Drain
or Bridge which he accordingly did and sayeth that the said
Bridge is over one of the Drains of Gravelly Branch, and
that the said Draper Informed him that the said Bridge was
the Division of Maryland and Pensylvania and further
sayeth that he this Deponent hath since Outten was killed
been at the place where the said Murder was done and that
the said place is two miles to the AVestward of the said Drains
and Within the Reputed Lines of Maryland and he further
sayeth that about the Time of the Division of Somerset
County a Certain James Martin who was one of the Repre-
sentatives of Somerset County in Order to know the Exten-
tion of Maryland applyed to this Deponent for that purpose
saying that it would be Necessary as a Guide in the Division
of the County on which this Deponent Informed him agree-
able to the above recited Boundaries and further saith that
he also Acted as Subsheriff (after his Acting for Mr Allen)
under Mr John Purnel some time and that he also Acted as
far as the Limits aforesaid and the Inhabitants to the Bounds
aforesaid Continued Subject to the Laws of Maryland as
before and further this Deponent sayeth not
Wm Gray.
The Above Deposition was sworn to before me one of his
Lordships Justices for Somerset County the 2 Ist day of
March Anno Domini 1759
Tho. Jones
Maryland Worcester County to wit.
Joseph Collins of Worcester County Gent, aged about
thirty four years being sworn on the holy Evangels of Al-
mighty God Deposeth as follows That a few years after
Erecting of the County of Worcester this Deponent was
riding from Gravelly Branch in Worcester County to Ceedar
Creek in Sussex County and did not see any Houses as he
past through the Forrest untill he past over a Bridge called
Lockleys Bridge to the plantation of one Cornelious Lockley
near thereto in the County last mentioned where he called and
amongst other Discourseys this Deponent then had with the
said Cornelius this Deponent asked him whether he lived in
Worcester County or in Sussex County he made answer and