the Last mentioned John Willy lived at the Time said Outten
was killed and being Threatned that the Surveyor of Sussex
County was coming then to survey the same Land for one
Anthony Person one Thomas Gillis then a Magistrate for
the then County of Somerset hearing thereof Issued his
Warrant directed to this Deponent to take and arrest the
Surveyor of Sussex or any other person that should Come to
make the said Survey (or any other in that part) in pursu-
ance to any Authority from Pensilvania and him to bring
before the Justices of the County Court of Somerset in the
province of Maryland, but to this Deponents knowledge no
such Surveyor ever Come, and further this Deponent sayeth
Taken & Sworn the 8th day of March 1759 Andrew Collins
before me Robt Jenkins Henry.
Somerset sst
The Deposition of William Gray of Worcester Planter
aged Fifty five years or thereabouts being Sworn on the
Holy Evangels of Almighty God Deposeth and saith That
this Deponent upwards of thirty years past acted as a Sub
Sheriff in Somerset County under Mr Francis Allen and the
District appointed for this Deponent was in the Upper end of
the County which is now in Worcester County and he was
then directed by the Justices of Somersett County how farr
he should Act in his Office and not to intrude upon the Lines
of Pensylvania and he was directed to Act so far as not to
Include the persons following to wit, John Davis Jacob
Stockley, Eleanor Dopson, John Lofley who were all Sup-
posed to Live on the Borders of Sussex and on the Eastern-
most side of the Drains of Nanticoke and from thence to the
maple Marsh and from thence to Include the Owinss who
was supposed to Live in Maryland and that he accordingly
Acted agreeable to the aforesaid Directions and that Sundry
persons to the Southward of the Limits aforesaid Acknowl-
edged themselves in Somerset County and were Subject to
the Laws of Maryland during the Time he acted as Sheriff
afsd which was some years and he further saith that about
Twenty eight years Since this Deponent was appointed by