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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 498   View pdf image
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498 Assembly Proceedings, July17-Aug. 10, 1716.

L. H. J.

And then the house being called over mett present as in
the morning

And then also Mr Nathn Dare a member for Calvert County
appeared in the house

The honourable Thomas Brooke Esqr and Col Willm Coursey
ffrom the Upper House deliver Mr Speaker the following
Message, which being read was ordered to be Entred (Viz) —

By the Upper house of Assembly
July 23d 1716.

Wee have debated the latter part of your Message con-
cerning the reenacting the laws in his Lordships Stile and doe
agree to your first reason, That you are not sensible of any
materiall addition to be made to them, and also to your
second that the reenacting those laws for the Sake of a Style
would look like Questioning the authority by which they were
made, which cannot be doubted of, likewise wee agree with
your third reason that the reenacting of them would be a
great charge to the publick, and haveing also debated your
fourth reason wee doe not apprehend that the continueing
the laws in the Stile they now are can be any Derogation to
his Lordships Honour or right of Government, or prejudicial
to any person, provided that an Act be now made to transferr
all the fines and forfeitures, (given by these present Acts of
Assembly to his Majesty his heirs and Successors) to the
Right Honourable the Lord Propry his heirs and Successors
for the uses in the said Laws mentioned.
Signed p order W Bladen Cl Upr ho.

The House Concurrs therewith and ordered that the
Comittee of Laws prepare and bring in Such a Bill as by the
said Message is Directed.
Majr Bradford a member for Prince Georges County
appeared this day in the house.
Col Willm Holland from the Upper house delivers Mr
Speaker the following Message (Viz.)

By the Upr house of Assembly
July 23d 1716
His Exncy the Governor has been pleased to direct John
Rousby Esqr who was his Majestys receiver of the District of
Pattuxint to lay before your House the State of the Revenue

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 498   View pdf image
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