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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 497   View pdf image
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The Lower House. 497


to make the like claime & therefore wee hope your Exncy and
Honours will excuse us therefrom
Signed p order. Tho: Macnemara Clk: Lo. Ho:

Sent to the Upper house by Capt Mariatee Mr Hill & Mr
James Loyd
They return and say they delivered it.
On reading the petition of Thomas Willson, Susannah
Willson, Obedience Johnson, Sarah Johnson, Jephtha Johnson,
Robison Johnson Coheirs to Arnold Paramore late of Somer-
sett County deced praying leave to bring in a bill for suppling
a defect in John Paramores will,
It was ordered that William Bladen Esqr being of the
Council with Thomas Paramore the son and heir at Law of
the sd Testator John Paramore & Mr Bordley & Mr Macne-
mara of Council with the Petrs be heard and the allegacons on
both sides being Considered,
The Question was put whether leave shall be given to
bring in the Bill prayed for
Resolved in the Affirmative by Majority of Votes.
Thereupon ordered that the Petrs have leave to prepare
and bring in a bill accordingly
Philemon Loyd Esqr and Col Thomas Smith, from the
Upper house deliver Mr Speaker the following Message
Which being read was ordered to be entred as follows (Viz)

By the Upr House of Assembly
July 21st 1716.
The first part of your Message by Lt Col Scott and nine
other of your members which proposes that the name of the
Right Honourable the Lord Proprietarys Noble Guardian

L. H. J.

should be omitted in the Stile of the Laws now to be Enacted
has been debated and Considered, and it haveing been putt
to the Question whether this house agree thereto It was
resolved (Nemine contradicente) that this house Does Concur
with the Sentiments of the lower house thereupon, and that
the style of the laws now to be Enacted be as now is pro-
posed by your house But in as much as the latter part of
your Message is likewise of great moment It is referred for
our further Consideration.
Signed p order W Bladen Cl Upr house.

The house adjourns till one in the afternoon


p. 156

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 497   View pdf image
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