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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 496   View pdf image
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496 Assembly Proceedings, July 17-Aug. 10, 1716.

L. H. J.

forming them so as to be useful and beneficial to the People
and that wee are not Sensible that any material addition can
now be made in them and for that the reenacting them now

p. 155

for the sake of a Stile would look like questioning the author-
ity by which they were made which wee cannot admitt ought
to be even doubted and where as by reenacting them a great
charge will fall on the publick and that the Continuance of
them in the Style they now are in can be no Derogation to
his Lordships Honour or right of Government or prejudice to
any person, Wee hope your Exncy and Honrs will excuse us,
from reenacting any other laws, than those that appear
Signed p order Tho Macnemara Cl: Lo: ho:

Sent to the Upper house by Coll Scott, Capt Mariartee John
Rousby Esqr Majr Willson Mr Stoddert, Mr Edward Wright
Mr Tasker Mr Turbutt, Mr Brannock and Mr Pollard.
They return and say they delivered the Message
The house adjourns till Munday morning 8 a Clock.

Munday morning the 23d day of July 1716.

Then the house being called over mett present as on

Capt Thomas Greenfield appeared this day in the house.

Mr Valentines Petition and Endorsmt referr'd from Saturday
to be considered this morning being read on a motion made
the Question was putt whether any allowance shall be made
him for his Extraordinary Services in the sd Petition mentioned
or not.

Resolved in the Negative by Majority of votes, upon which
the following Message was prepared and Entred (Viz)

By the Lower house of Assembly

23d July 1716.
May It please your Exncy and Honrs

Mr George Valentines petition with your Exncy and honours
Recomendation thereon Endorsed has been considered and
this house should be very ready to Comply with his Exncy or
your Honours request but that A law is now in force whereby
a Suitable Recompense is provided for such Services, and
should wee make the allowances the petitioner Craves such
pceeding would be introductive of a Growing charge and be
a president for the other Sherriffs of this Province hereafter,


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 496   View pdf image
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