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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 495   View pdf image
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The Lower House. 495


By the Upper house of Assembly
July 21st 1716

The petitioner Mr George Valentaine being a very diligent
and Industrious officer residing at the Seat of Government
gives his continual attendance for the dispatch of publick
packets and also is very ready and Serviceable on any other
occasions in the Execution of Justice and Service of the
Province Wherefore wee desire you will make him such a
suitable allowance or Gratuity for his Services as may Encour-
age his future diligence
Signed p order. W Bladen Clk: Upr ho:

Which being read the same is referred to be considered of
on Munday Morning
The following message being prepared was ordered to be
entred as follows.

By the Lower house of Assembly
July 21st 1716

May It please your Exncy
In answer to your Message by the Honble Thomas Brooke
Esqr Col Thomas Addison, and Col Thomas Smith, wee hope
it will not be thought necessary To mention any thing in the
laws hereafter to be made of the right Honble the Lord Proprys
minority or of his noble Guardian for the title of the Lord
Propry in the laws is made use of as he is a Body Politique &
not in his Natural Capacity and therefore minority cannot dis-
able him to pass the laws and hope your Exncys and Honrs con-
currence will not be wanting in that particular tho the Stile
used when the Lord Proprys noble ancestors had the Governmt
of this Province was recomended to us, as the fittest stile to
use in our laws, yet wee are so well Satisfied with the reason-
ableness of his Exncys opinion in respect to nameing the
Governour that wee agree that the stile to be used shall be as
follows (viz.)
By the Rt Honble the Lord Propry by and with the advice
and consent of his Lordships Governour and the Upper and
Lower houses of Assembly and by the authority of the same
of which wee hope your Exncy and Honrs will signifie your
Approbation and as to that part of your Message which
Intimates his Lordships Directions for reenacting all the laws
which were revised since his most Gracious Majestys happy
accession to the throne, which Indeed are all the laws of Mary-
land now in force considering all due care and application of
the Legislature of this Province has been so lately used in

L. H. J.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 495   View pdf image
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