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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 494   View pdf image
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494 Assembly Proceedings, July 17-Aug. 10, 1716.

L. H. J

only as it relates to the Lord Proprys Govermt (Viz) By the
right Honble the Lord Propry of this Province, now a minor and
the Right Honble ffrancis Lord Guilford his Guardian for and
on his behalf and by & with the advice & consent of his Lord-
ships Governour & the Upper and Lower houses of Assembly
and the authority of the same.
His Exncy is further of opinion that if the name of the
Governour be omitted who has an affirmative as well as a
negative voice in the passing & refuseing the laws they will
want an Essential part, and that such laws will have no force
nor vertue, Wherefore wee cannot agree to the report, of the
Conference but desire you will debate this matter in your
house, and if you have no reasonable objections to the Con-
trary Concurr with us, that what laws shall be now made run
in the Style in this Message proposed.
Signed pr Order W Bladen Cl Upr house

p. 154

The Honble Col Coursey and the Honble Lt Col Saml Young
from the Upper house deliver Mr Speaker the following Mes-
sage which being read was entred.

By the Upper house of Assembly
July 21th 1716
In answer to your Message this morning by Col Mackall &
five others, Relateing to the publick records wee acquaint you
that wee have considered thereof, and doe approve of your
desire, that a bill be brought in this Session pursuant thereto
Signed p order W Bladen Cl Upr house.

Which being read It is thereupon ordered that the Comittee
of laws prepare & bring in a bill accordingly.
Col Thomas Addison from the Upper house delivers Mr
Speaker, The humble petition of George Valentine praying
an Inlargment of his Sallary for conveying of publick packets
and letters thus Endorsed (Viz)

By his Exncy the Govr
July 21st 1716

In Justice to the Petitioner I must Declare that he has duely
discharged his duty on the particulars within mentioned with
a great deal of Diligence charge and trouble, and therefore I
think fitt to recommend him to the consideration of the Upper
& lower houses of this present General Assembly and desire
they will consider his Services
Signed p order W Bladen Cl: Upr house.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 494   View pdf image
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