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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 444   View pdf image
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444 Assembly Proceedings, July 17-Aug. 10, 1716.

U. H. J.

By the Lower House of Assembly
3d August 1716

p. 263

Read the first & second times by especial Order and will
Signed p order T. Macnemara Cl. Lo. Ho.

Which was read in this House the first time
Mr Rousby and three more brought up the following
Message Viz.

By the Lower House of Assembly
August the 3d 1716

May It please your Honours —
In answer to your Message of Yesterday by the honble
Col Holland & Col Coursey about the Fines for Ordinary
Licences Which you thereby intimate to be given by his
Ldship to Mr Beak & Mr Lowe the Secretarys of this province
We acquaint you that we find by the Journals of the House
of Delegates during the time Sr Tho. Lawrence was Secre-
tary of this Province many debates & Contests happened on
that subject between the Country and him Whereby we find
the Country did agree he had not any Right thereto And
now the Government is in my Lord Proprietary which may
occasion new Arguments And that this matter requiring
mature Consideration has been so lately laid before us And
that the other Business laid before this House is pretty nigh
finished Which gives us hopes that this Session is near a
Conclusion the Continuance of which would occasion a great
Charge to the publick We pray your Honours will agree to
refer that matter to the Consideration of the next Sessions
Signed p order T Macnemara Cl Lo Ho.

p. 264

Resolved the following Answer be sent thereto Viz.

By the Upper House of Assembly
July the 3d 1716.

In answer to your message by Mr Rousby and three more
of the House His Excellency says that It is his opinion the
Right to those Fines for Ordinary Licences is in my Lord
Baltimore tho' It never was in Sr Thos Lawrence and that the
Secretarys may sue any that keep Ordinarys or Houses of
Entertainmt (upon this Assembly's delaying to ascertain the
Fines) for what he thinks reasonable, And until such time as
it becomes a general Aggrievance which will necessarily

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 444   View pdf image
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