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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 443   View pdf image
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The Upper House. 443


Perquisites of their Office were thought sufficient to defray
their expences And that the very Ground & Reason of the
Law that gave such Allowances was only to bear the ex-
pences of those Who had no other Way to reimburse them-
selves their Expences in the Service of the Publick
We cannot Allow the Conclusions that Col Lloyd makes
from the Superscriptions of his Letters which rather seem
designed to find out the person by the Synonimous Titles of
President of the Council or Commander in Chief than to
evince the Diversity of the persons especially considering
Col Lloyd had then the full power of Commander in chief
acted as such & had a negative voice in the passing our Laws
And that Several of our Laws were then to our great Cost
dissented to because they were Enacted by the Council &
Assembly without saying her Majesty's President Council &
Assembly From whence we infer he was a Separate Body
distinct from the Council & had a Superiour power to it And
we have reason to believe had a larger recompence for his
Services without that one hundred & hfty p day than all the

U.H. J.

members of the Council put together and consequently was
not within the reason or Equity of that Law nor indeed within
the Words of it whilst he acted in that different Station
We take it if Col Lloyd's Allowances were unjust they
ought to move the Justice of the Legislature Who cannot
doubt of their Authority nor that It is their duty in this part
to do their Country Justice And therefore praying leave &
offering to prove the Facts he has denyed in such manner as
your House shall think most proper They pray your Ex-
cellency & Honours Concurrence that (on such proof) a
Clause may be added to the Bill to be drawn for laying the
Levy to Enjoin the payment of the said Tobo & money
towards the defraying the publick Charge
Signed p order Thos Macnemara Cl L Ho.

The Consideration whereof was referred until the After-
The Board adjourned for two Hours

Post Meridiem
The Upper House Sate Present as before
Mr Stoddert & six more brought up a Bill for ascertaining
the Tare & Gauge of Tobo hhds & to prevent cropping cut-
ting & defacing Tobo taken on Board Ships or Vessels upon
freight & for laying impositions on Tobo p the hhd for the
support of Government & for the Encouraging Settlements
in this Province And the taking of 3d p hhd formerly raised
for the publick Charge Endorsed

p. 262

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 443   View pdf image
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