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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 445   View pdf image
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The Upper House. 445


oblige the Country to make a Law to remedy the mischief
you have now an Opportunity to prevent
Signed p ordr W Bladen Cl Up ho.

And sent to the Lower House by the honble Col. Whittington
Major Wilson & three more brought up the following
Message Viz.

By the Lower House of Assembly
August 3d 1716

May it please your Honours —
In answer to your Message this day by Lt Col. Saml Young
& John Hall Esqr about the Heads & Scalps of Crows &
Squirrels We agree to the bringing in a supplementary Bill
impowering & requiring every Magistrate before whom any
Squirrels or Crows heads are produced to require reasonable
proof to the best of the Claimants Knowledge that they were
killed in the County before any Certificate shall be given

U. H. J.

and to see such Heads or Scalps burnt but to oblige the
Claimants to go to Court would be a means to discourage
many from killing those Vermin for Persons living at a great
Distance from the Court will hardly think it worth while to
carry a few heads thither And we also agree that a Clause be
inserted that no Squirrels or Crows heads or Scalps killed by
Indians be paid for All which is hoped will prevent the
Countrys being imposed on
Signed p ordr T Macnemara Cl Lo Ho.

The Board adjourned till nine of the Clock to morrow

Saturday August the 4th 1716
The Upper House of Assembly Sate

Col Wm Holland Col Wm Whittington
The honble Col Wm Coursey Philemon Lloyd Esqr
Col Thos Addison Lt Col. Rd Tilghman

The Message last night by Major Wilson & three more of
the Lower House being Considered
Resolved that this House do concur therewith & the
honble Lt Col Tilghman sent to the Lower House with the
following Message Viz.

p. 265

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 445   View pdf image
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