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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 442   View pdf image
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442 Assembly Proceedings, July 17-Aug. 10, 1716.

U. H. J,

. late disturbances by drinking the Pretenders Health & firing
the Great Guns in this City It was recommended to the
Lower House for a Suitable Reward And Sent by Col

Col Hoskins & five more brought up the following Mes-
sage Viz.

By the Lower House of Assembly
August 3d 1716

May It please your Excellency and Honours

This House hath fully heard Col Edward Lloyd and his
Council in defence of what he was charged with by our Mes-
sage of the 20th July last He was fully Acquainted with the

p. 260

Reasons of this Houses Resolve on that Occasion And had
the opportunity of hearing Sundry Members of this House as
Evidences against him Who in our Judgmt have fully proved
upon their Oaths the facts we charged him with.
We have fully considered the said Col Lloyd's Answer in
writing Which you were pleased to lay before us And we
find thereby that the said Col Lloyd has denyed that He ever
made such Allegations Which would have been flatly opposite
to the matter of Fact. We have had it fully proved that such
Allegations were made and if flatly opposite to matter of
Fact We hope our Charge is in that part proved, We find he
acknowledges that he has often declared that his Reward for
the Services he performed in that Station was a thing pre-
carious. We cannot find the said Col Lloyd had any Induce-
ment to make such Declaration had it not been as a motive
to the Country to make the Allowances complained of Which
he thereby seemed tacitly to acknowledge He had not a
better pretence for than by the plausible Allegations of his
other Rewards being precarious Which It seems afterwards
proved certain and consequently the consideration of such
Allowances removed We do not find the said Col Lloyd in
any part of his answer or Defence insists at all upon the
Justice or reasonableness of those Allowances, but insists
chiefly on his Right by the Laws of this Province And that
such Allowances have been made & ought not now to be re-
called We take Custom & Legislature to be the best Inter-

p. 261

preters of the Laws And we find by the Ancient Acts where
Councellours had Offices of profit they had no Allowances
for their Attendance in Council & It is fresh in the memory
of sundry members of this House that even where the Act
of Assembly ascertained to every Councellour one hundred
& fifty pounds tobo p day Yet the Commissary s Gent being of
the Council have been refused such Allowances for that the

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 442   View pdf image
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