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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 441   View pdf image
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The Upper House. 441


And therefore in order to avoid any Debates that in time to
come may arise on the same We desire to be Satisfied

U. H. J.

whether his Lordship has or shall accept of the sd i8d (Allow-
ance being made him for the 5 p Cent & Sallary) on the
Condition for raising the Act in the same mentioned for We
are unwilling to postpone that matter
Signed p order Thos Macnemara Cl Lo Ho.

Which being read and Debated His Excellency the Govern-
our says that tho his Letters from the Lord Proprietary and his
Guardian direct him not to alter any thing in the Substance
but that he may vary in the Stile of the Law now to be
passed for the Application of the 18d p hhd Yet he thinks
that what the Lower House has proposed is so reasonable
that He shall agree thereto on his Lordships behalf provided
this Assembly will pass a Vote that in Case he should be
obliged by Law to make good to his Ldship the 8 p Cent on
Collection of that Duty this Province shall reimburse him the
money For that as his Excellency is no gainer by that matter
It is very unreasonable he should be a Loser thereby
Which being approved of by this Board was Recommended
to the Lower House
A Bill for confirming a Sale of Land from Joseph Bridger
Esqr and his Wife to Thos Jones being again read & the
House Satisfyed with the payment made by Jones —
Resolved the Bill pass. And being so Endorsed was sent
to the Lower House by Col. Tilghman
Mr Hall being indisposed had leave to go home
The Petition of Mr John Broom high Sherriff of Calvert
County being read praying that Whereas he entered upon his
Office in February 1713 And being obliged to quit it at the

p. 258

three years End so that he cannot possibly collect the publick
& private debts he is Entrusted with in that Time the General
Assembly would continue him in his Office till the third Tues-
day of June next
Resolved that the said Petition be recommended to the
Lower House to admitt a Short Bill for his relief And make
a provision for the continuing all Sherriffs Who come into
their Office under his Circumstances that they may compleat
their three years Collections
Sent by the honble Col Smith
The Petition of Richard Evans being read the said Evans
having as in his said petition is Sett forth summoned many
Evidences by Virtue of Warrants directed, and attended
Several days on the Magistrates who made Enquiry into the

p. 259

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 441   View pdf image
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