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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 440   View pdf image
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440 Assembly Proceedings, July 17-Aug. 10, 1716,

U. H. J.

Which was referred to further Consideration

The Board Adjourns till nine of the Clock to morrow

Friday August 3d 1716

The House met Present as yesterday
On Consideration of the message by Mr James Lloyd &
five others last night since the Lower House are of Opinion
that the Continuing the Law for killing Crows & Squirrels is
so beneficial to the Country And that we have no other de-
sign than to prevent the Countys being imposed upon by evil
persons obtaining unjust Allowances — We conceive you did
not apprehend our meaning in our message so that we are
obliged again to tell you that It is our Opinion if the County
Courts should take Care every Court to approve one or more
of their Brethren at Court time to take the Account of the
Crows heads & Squirrels heads And Scalps see them burnt
there and also receive reasonable proof to the truth of the
Claimants knowledge that they were killed in their Countys
before they give Certificate thereof It would not only prevent
frauds but be rather an Ease to the Justices from being so

p. 257

frequently troubled in their Houses at other times on that
occasion And this may be done by a short Supplementary
Bill to the Law in force for killing of Crows & Squirrels
Which being drawn into a message was sent to the Lower
House by Col Young & Mr Hall
Major Wilson and Capt Frisby brought up the following
Message Viz.

By the Lower House of Assembly
August the 2d 1716

May it please your Honours
On Consideration of your Message of yesterday by the
honble Lt Col. Richd Tilghman about the several Sallarys of
8 & 5 pr Cent on the 18d p hhd granted to the Right Honble
Benedict Lord Baltimore in Consideration of his Acceptance
of his Land Rents in Tobo at 2d p lb. We agree in regard
the sd money was lodged in the Treasurer's hands for the
Security of the Country 'till his Ldsps pleasure should be
known that the Sallary of five p Cent ought to be made good
to the Lord Proprietary. But as to the Sallary of 8 p Cent
arising due for collecting & receiving the same duty We are
of opinion his Lordship ought to be at that Charge for if his
pleasure had been known And that he had Accepted of it He
must have appointed Officers & pay Sallarys for collecting it

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 440   View pdf image
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