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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 439   View pdf image
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The Upper House. 439


By the Upper House of Assembly
August 2d 1716.
Gentlemen —

His Excellency having acquainted this House that the
Right Honble the Lord Proprietary and his Guardian the
Right Honble the Lord Guilford have appointed Mr Charles
Lowe & Mr Tho' Beake his Lordships Secretarys of this
Province and have granted to them the fines for Ordinary
Licences We do think it absolutely necessary that the Ordi-
narys in this province be regulated & therefore Recommend
to your House that a Bill may be now prepared therefore &
also to ascertain the fines on the said Ordinary Licences
Signed p order W Bladen Cl Up ho.

U. H. J.

Sent by Col Holland & Col Coursey
Mr James Lloyd & five more brought up the following
Message Viz.

By the Lower House of Assembly
August the 2d 1716

May it please your Honours —
In answer to your Message this Afternoon by the honble
John Hall Esqr and two others of the Upper House We
acquaint you that a Vote has passed in this House Some
Days ago
1st That the Law now in force for the killing of Squirrells
and Crows sufficiently provides against the Inconveniency
you mention And we believe that a Single Justice at his
Habitation may & will give as good an opinion as he can at
open Court on his private viewing there the Heads & Scalps
of Squirrels & Crows And as to your Proposal that no Cer-
tificates be given to any but such as do kill the Crows &
Squirrels either by themselves their Children or Servants
We think that would introduce perjury and many other In-
conveniencys for the Master not being present at the killing
them by his negros or Children cannot be deemed able to
prove the same Yet we cannot think He ought to lose the
Benfitt. We believe the direction of every Justice of peace
such as to be satisfyed that the Squirrells & Crows for the
Heads of which a Certificate is required were killed in the
County where such application was made for a Certificate be-

p 255

fore he grants any And if any person committs perjury in
making such a Claim or obtaining a Certificate, We believe
such a misdeameanour is by Law punishable And therefore
desire you will not further insist on any other Provision than
what is already made
Signed p order Thos Macnemara Cl Lo ho.

p. 256

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 439   View pdf image
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