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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 435   View pdf image
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The Upper House. 435


the not sending into this Province Instructions Who should
administer the Government in Case of his Excellency's Death
or Absence has been a great Omission & may prove of Evil
Consequence unless provided against for prevention whereof
We agree to make a provision for the same by a Law & can-
not think of a better method than what has been used when
the Government was in the Crown But that is entirely Sub-
mitted to his Excellency & your Honours.
Signed p order Thos Macnemara Cl Lo Ho.

Col Ennalls had leave to go home on particular Occasions
The Board Adjourned for two hours.

Post Meridiem

The House Sate Present as in the Morning Save Col.
Ennalls who had leave to go home.
Col Hoskins & two more brought up a Bill for repairing &
securing the Records.
Read & further Endorsed Viz.

By the Lower House of Assembly
August the 2d 1716.

May it please your Honours —
Your Endorsemt on this Bill has been considered
We are of Opinion that particular Rooms for keeping the
Records belonging to the Several Offices in this Bill Specifyed
are already fitted & assigned And therefore think that there
is no occasion tor any further Provision in that particular

And as to a Clause to be added restraining any person but
the Several Clerks to make Searches
We think that the Law proposed obliging the Officers to
make the Records good will prevent any Inconveniency that

U. H. J.
P. 249

way. We cannot think the making fair new Alphabets to any
Record Books that are not worn or deficient or adding
Labels with - their marks numbers & years will be any
Way for the publick Good We believe such things may be
useful to & for the Ease of the Several Officers And as they
take the Fees It is Just & reasonable they should at their
Expence get those things done

And as to the Sum you propose the Secretary ought to be
bound in We cannot think it reasonable to agree thereto, con-
sidering the great Trust reposed in him And that on his
faithful discharge of the Condition proposed the Safety of the
Generality of the Estates of this Province depends He having

p. 250

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 435   View pdf image
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