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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 434   View pdf image
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434 Assembly Proceedings, July 17-Aug. 10, 1716.

U. H. J

. present cannot be otherwise provided for than by an Act of
Assembly, directing where the sd Powers shall be lodged &
how executed until their Ldships the Rt Honble the Lord
Proprietary & his Guardians Directions & Instructions shall
be sent into this province on which emergent occasion we
desire the Advice & Concurrence of your House what just
measures may be now properly used for the Service of the
Rt Honble the Lord Proprietary and the security of the Peace
& Welfare of this Province
Signed p order W Bladen Cl Up ho.

Sent to the Lower House by Col Holland Col Coursey Col
Ennalls & Lt Col Young.
Mr Carrol being acquainted with the last message says that
he thinks an Act of Assembly to that purpose can't be any
ways prejudicial to his Lordship's Interest.

p. 243

3 The Consideration of the Lower Houses message in Answer
to a message from this Board recommending a Compensation
to be made to the Lord Proprietary for the Sallarys of 8 & 5
p Cent to which the Duty of 18d p hhd is Subject being now
to be had —
Ordered that Mr Carrol be sent for to appear before this
His Excellency informs this House that as the Rt Honble the
Lord Propry and his Guardian have appointed Mr Thos Beake
& Mr Charles Lowe to be their Secretarys of this Province
and have granted to them the Fines for Ordinary Licences
therefore their Lordships expect an Act of Assembly should
be passed this Sessions to ascertain the said Fines & appro-
priate them to the Use of his Secretarys.
Resolved by this house that there seems to be an absolute
necessity the ordinarys should be regulated
Mr Carrol upon hearing the 57th Article of the Queen's
Instructions Read Saith It is his Opinion that the said Article
is only negative to allow but not to inflict any Penalty.
Mr Charles Wright & two more brought up the Bill for
making good the Sale of Land from Joseph Bridge to Thos
Jones deceased.
Mr Rousby & seven more brought up the following
message Viz.

By the Lower House of Assembly
August the 2d 1716

May it please your Honours
On reading your Message of this day by the honble Col.
Holland & three others of the Upper House We agree that

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 434   View pdf image
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