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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 436   View pdf image
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436 Assembly Proceedings, July 17-Aug. 10, 1716.

U. H. J.

the keeping of as well Provincial & Chancery Entrys as of the
Land Records Wherefore It is hoped that the Lessening that
will not be further insisted on When we are willing a County
Clerk shall be bound with Suretys in two hundred pounds
Sterl who has not a twentyeth part of the Trust reposed in
him that is reposed in the Secretary
Signed p order T. Macnemara Cl Lo. Ho.

Resolved that the following message be sent to the Lower
House Viz.

By the Upper House
August the 2d 1716.
Gentlemen —

We have appointed the honb!e Col Holland Col Young &
Col Smith three of our members to view the Secretary Com-
missary and County Clerk's Offices in this City And to see
how conveniently they are fitted up for the Security of the

p. 251

Records of those Offices & desire you will join some of the
members of your House with them that they may make re-
port thereof to this present General Assembly.
Signed p order W Bladen Cl Up ho.

Mr Tyler & eleven more of the members of the Lower
House brought up the following Message Viz.

By the Lower House of Assembly
August 2d 1716.

May It please Your Honours —

Your message by the honble Col Wm Whittington of Yes-
terday about the Charge of Squirrels & Crows Heads the
last year 1715 has received a full debate And we have re-
solved that tho the Yearly Charge arising on that Account
seems very great yet It circulates among the Taxable In-
habitants of the Several Countys, and therefore no very great
Burthen for every Person may if he pleases & thinks it worth
while kill as many as may defray his proportion of the Charge
And the Squirrels & Crows now by the Encouragemt given
are almost destroyed And to lay an Obligation on every
taxable to kill a certain number will not be so effectual a
Means to destroy them as the method already proposed. Be-
sides the fewness of them occasioned by the Encouragement
given by the Law in force will render it impracticable (as we
hope) to comply therewith

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 436   View pdf image
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