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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 433   View pdf image
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The Upper House. 433


Thursday August the 2d 1716

The Upper House met & were Present as yesterday
His Excellency represents to the House that by the negli-
gence of Mr Charles Lowe who is Agent for the Lord Pro-
prietary & the Lord Guilford his Guardian, He has not yet
had any Instructions from their Lordships Either in Case of
his Death or Absence where the Power of the Governmt shall
be lodged or who shall execute the same That as he has been

U. H. J.

formerly in great Danger of his Life by several violent fitts of
Sickness there may happen great prejudice and Confusion
among the people upon his Death If It should please God He
should die before the Lord Proprietary & his Guardian by
some special Instruction make provision therefore He desires
the Opinion & Advice of this House what may be done to
prevent the mischiefs may ensue on such a Casualty. Re-
solved nemine Contradicente that the not sending into this
Province particular powers & Instructions for the Administra-
tion of the Government here in Case of his Excellcy's Death or
Absence is a great omission in his Lordship's Agent And that
the same cannot be otherwise provided for than by some Act
of Assembly directing where the sd Powers shall be lodged
and how executed until his Lordship the Rt Honble the Lord
Propry and his Guardian's directions and Instructions shall be
sent into this province
Whereupon the following message was sent to the Lower
House Viz.

By the Upper House of Assembly
August the 2d 1716

It being represented by his Excellency the Governt to this
House that by the Omission of the Rt Honble the Lord Propry
& his Guardian's Agent in England their Lordships have not
yet sent any Instructions or Authoritys into this Province
either in Case of the Death or Absence of the Governor where
the power of this Governmt shall be Lodged or who shall

p. 246

execute the same, That his Excellency the present Governour
has been formerly in great danger of his Life by Several Fitts
of Sickness there may happen great prejudice & Confusion
among the people upon his death If It should please God he
should die before the Lord Proprietary and his Guardian by
some special Instruction make provision therefore —
This House do unanimously resolve that not sending intc
this Province such powers and Instructions for the Adminis
tration of the Governmt here in Case of the Death or Absence
of the Governt is a great omission in his Lordships Agent
And conceive that the ill Consequences of such neglect at

p 247

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 433   View pdf image
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