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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 432   View pdf image
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432 Assembly Proceedings, July 17-Aug. 10, 1716.

U. H. J.

By the Lower House of Assembly
August the 1st 1716

May It please your Honours —

Your Endorsement on the Bill for the better Security of
the peace & Safety of his Lordship's Government and the
Protestant Interest within this Province whereby you mention
an exemption of those that manage his Lordship's private
Estate within this Province being considered we think it
Necessary to avoid future Debates that such offices as are to
be exempted be particularly named in the Bill And desire
your honours will name such as you think necessary should
be exempted

Signed p order Thos Macnemara Cl Lo Ho.

Which Mr Charles Carrol his Lordship's Agent being
made acquainted with wrote his Opinion thereon as followeth

I Conceive that all the Lands in this Province not already
granted are my Lords private Estate and the Rents reserved
upon those granted are likewise so that Escheats, Waifs,
Strays, & Deodands, Felon's Goods, Fines, Forfeitures,
Amerciaments, as property of the Soil are his private Estate

p. 245

And in general that all Moneys due on any Account what-
soever payable to him by Law or by virtue of his Royaltys &
not appropriated to any other use is likewise so as also all
Surplus Lands and Ferrys It is somewhat difficult to enu-
merate all the Branches of his private Estate in so short a time
therefore leave it to his Excellency & the Board to distin-
guish between the Government (which doubtless is publick)
and the Proprietary's private Estate
Charles Carrol

Mr Hill and Mr Charles Wright brought up a Bill confirm-
ing three small Tracts of Land lying in Ann Arundel County
to Susannah Johnson her heirs & Assignes for ever, Endorsed
Read in the Lower House the first & Second times by especial
order and will pass.
Which being read in this House the first time was Endorsed
Will Pass and sent to the Lower House by the honble Col
The Board Adjourned till nine of the Clock to morrow

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 432   View pdf image
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