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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 405   View pdf image
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The Upper House. 405


qualify themselves, And says he has seen his Lordships Com-
missions to his Governours Sealed in London
His Excellency Speaks about the two Great Seals Mr
Carrol says that those who affixed those Seals will answer the
doing it
Mr Carrol is of opinion that my Lord being at so great a
Distance Ought to have a great Seal to affix to his Instruments
His Excellency says that if his Ldship gave his Orders:
The Great Seal might be affixed here as he should direct
His Excellency asks Mr Carrol if the Commissions to be

U. H. J.

Executed here be not such as usually pass under the Great
Seal of this Province

To which Mr Carrol did not reply
His Excellcy says That there are persons to be appointed to
Execute twelve Blank Commissions
Mr Carrol says he has not the nomination of those Affairs
but Mr Walter Pye & Mr Henry Sewall has the nomination of

His Excellency tells Mr Carrol that the Rangers are to be
appointed by the Governour according to Act of Assembly
And why he did not (being of Council for his Lordship &
having a Sallary therefore) acquaint his Ldship therewith
He says that nothing of that matter then occurred to him
and He could not help what his Ldship put in his Commission
His Excellency says that having no direction or Knowledge
from my Lord of Surveyour's Commissions but from Mr
Carrol He does not impede my Lord's Authority in granting
these Commissions but bids Mr Carrol to tell the Gentlemen
to record them & not give out Reports of my Lord's Land
Office being impeded & shut up by his Excellency's means
His Excellency cautions Mr Carrol to direct all Persons he
gives Commissions to, to record them
Mr Carrol laid before his Excellency the Abstract of one of
his Lordships Instructions Viz.
Inasmuch as we have now given twelve Commissions for
Surveyours and have no Surveyour General In Case of the
Death of any of the sd Surveyours You are hereby im powered

p. 202

to appoint & constitute on the Western Shoar at the nomina-
tion of Walter Pye whom we intend for our Surveyour General
of the said Shoar Others in their Room till further Orders
from us, & in Case of misbehaviour misfeazance or negligence
in any of the sd Surveyours as to the due Execution of their
Office or Wrong by them willingly done to any person whom
They are to serve in their sd Office, You are hereby impowered

p. 203

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 405   View pdf image
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