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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 404   View pdf image
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404 Assembly Proceedings, July 17- Aug. 10, 1716.

U. H. J.

p. 200

But that Act having not been under his Majesty's Considera-
tion before He was graciously pleased to Reinstate his Ldship
in his Right of Governmt nor ever assented to by his Lord-
ship He does not think It is a Bar to him from executing his
Lordships Commission, Which when he recd it did not enter
into his thoughts that his Ldship's Governour would require
more of him than the Govern" under the Crown ever did for
these twenty five years past during which time He has had
the Honour to serve his Lordship & the People of this
province without Reproach And he believes that his faithful
Services And the Justness of his Accompts with his Lord-
ships Ancestors was the only Inducemt his Lordship had to
committ the Receipt of the Revenue of this Province Rather
to his Care than to others who phaps were not so well known
in the Family
To what is desired He answers that his Lordship has not
yet appointed any Surveyors General consequently there can
be no Deputy Surveyors but his Ldship & the Ld Guilford his
Guardian have sent in twelve Commissions for Surveyours
with directions to grant them to Protestants in such Countys
where his Lordship's Surveyours Places were usually Executed
by Protestants While the Governmt was in the Crown And
that upon the Death or just Cause of Removal of any such
Surveyour or any other Officer or Officers in Offices Usually
held by Protestants none should be put in their Rooms but
Protestants But none of the Sd Commissions are as yet issued
because Mr Walter Pye & Mr Henry Sewall who have the
distribution of the sd Commissions have met with some Dis-

p. 201

appointmts therein from the Government (as they say) for
which Reason his Ldship & the People of this Province suffer
much detrimt And the Land Office is in effect thereby shut
up for the issuing warrants for taking up Lands without Sur-
veyours to execute them would be but a Charge to no pur-
Chars Carrol

Being read at this House His Excellency desires their
Opinion thereupon
Who unanimously agree & declare that Mr Carrol has not
made a direct answer to any of the sd Queries but En-
deavoured wholly to Evade the Questions
Mr Charles Carrol appearing at the Board and being taxed
that he had given it under his Hand that the Land Office was
in effect Shut up
Says the Gentlemen appointed to distribute the Surveyours
Commissions were told they should take the oaths in order to

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 404   View pdf image
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