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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 406   View pdf image
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406 Assembly Proceedings, July 17-Aug. 10, 1716.

U. H. J.

to suspend & displace such Survcyour or Survcyours and to

appoint Others at the same Denomination in his or their place
till further orders from us And on the Eastern Shoar you are
to do the same at the nomination of Henry Sewall Whom we
intend for our Surveyour General of that Shoar And you shall
receive one third part and no more of the profitts of Each
Surveyour on the Western Shoar to the only use & Benefit!
of the sd Walter Pye & on the Eastern Shoar to the use &
Benefitt of the said Henry Sewall, And you are likewise to
fill up the Twelve blank Surveyours Commissions We now
send by you as the sd Walter Pye & Henry Sewall shall
nominate & appoint
Mr Carrol withdrew
After which his Excellency says he forgott to ask Mr Carrol
why he did not Surrender up the Land Records to Mr Deputy
Mr Lloyd says the Reason is from an Instruction Mr Carrol
has to perfect some Land Business
Mr James Lloyd & two more brought up from the Lower
House the following message Viz.

p. 204

By the Lower House of Assembly
July the 25th 1716

May It please your Honours
In Complyance with your Message by the honble Col Wm
Coursey & Lt Col Richd Tilghman Mr James Lloyd John
Rousby Esqr Major John Bradford & Capt Thos Trueman
Greenfield are appointed to meet the sd Col Wm Coursey &
Lt Col Tilghman at the Time & Place in the said message
mentioned to draw up the Address
Signed p order Thos Macnemara Cl Ho Del.

Ordered that the following message be sent to the Lower
House by John Hall Esqr Viz.

By the Upper House of Assembly
July the 25th 1716
Gentlemen —

In answer to your Message this morning by Capt Mariartee
& five other members of your House We acquaint you that
we do agree the Act against striking Fish should be repealed
for the Reasons in your message given
But as to the Supplementary Bill proposed we are of opinion
should this House agree thereto

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 406   View pdf image
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