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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 400   View pdf image
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400 Assembly Proceedings, July 17-Aug. 10, 1716.

U. H. J.

by the Sherriffs with the approbation of the County Court,
where the Sherriff shall be obliged to receive it in Satisfaction
of his Debt
3dly That the Sherriff may have 20 p Cent for collecting
publick Tobo & officers fees And that he shall make no Re-
turns but be accountable except for Insolvencys which shall
happen before the 20th December in every year
4thly That the Sherriffs may not take Interest for forbearance
5thly That the Sherriffs may continue in their office that
behave themselves well not exceeding years.
The Board adjourned till nine of the Clock to morrow

Wednesday July 25th 1716.
The Upper House Sate Present


His Excellency the Governour
Thos Brooke Esqr Col Thos Addison
Col Wm Holland Col Wm Whittington
Col Wm Coursey Philemon Lloyd Esqr
Lt Col Saml Young Lt Col Rd Tilghman
John Hall Esqr Col Thos Smith

p. 194

His Excellency the Governour observing that Mr Charles
Carrol has given under his Hand that his Lordship's Land
office is in effect shut up Mr Walter Pye & Mr Henry Sewall
who have the distribution of the Surveyors Commission having
met with some disappointment therein from the Governmt (as
they say) And Mr Deputy Secretary enquiring of his Excel-
lency what resolution he was pleased to make in that matter
His Excellency declares He has no intention to obstruct his
Lordship's Interest But will give his Lordship's Surveyors all
requisite assistance for his Ldships Service & the Benefit of
the Country
Provided they will qualify themselves to execute their respec-
tive Offices according to the Laws of this Province; On fail-
ure whereof He is resolved to put the sd Laws in Execution,
And further declares that if any obstruction be given to his
Ldship's Land Affairs It will be owing to those Who distribute
these Commissions to such Surveyours Who will not qualify
themselves according to the Laws of this Province
On Consideration whereof Resolved that this House do
approve of the sd Declaration and do think his Excellency's
Resolution highly reasonable
His Excellency further takes notice that as he is appointed
Keeper of his Ldship's Great Seal in this Province he thinks

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 400   View pdf image
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