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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 401   View pdf image
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The Upper House. 401


himself obliged to Act in that Station as near as may be to
the duty of Keeper of the Great Seal of England Who upon
any unlawful Grant made by the Crown is answerable for
fixing the Great Seal thereto

U. H.J.

But as his Ldship is pleased to make use of one other
Great Seal in Great Brittain which He or his Guardian have
affixed to several Grants & Commissions relating to the
Government here the Keeper of his Lordship's Great Seal in
this Province is not only thereby exposed to the hazard of
being called to Account for such Grants & Commissions which
he has no due Knowledge of & may not be Legal; but the
perquisites of the Great Seal the Reward of his Care & Fidel-
ity in that Office very much diminished, And what is more
intolerable the People under great uncertaintys by having two
Great Seals at once made use of in the Government thereof
not knowing which Seal to pay due obedience to

Resolved that the Lord Proprietary be addressed by this
House on his Restoration to the Government of this Province
& other Affairs And the Lower House desired to join therein
And that they will appoint some of the members of their
House to join with Col Coursey & Col Tilghman appointed
by this House in order to draw up the sd Address And that
they meet at Mr Kennedys about six of the Clock this Eveningt

A Copy of which Resolution was sent to the Lower House
by Col Coursey & Col Tilghman

His Excellency observes that Mr Carrol has by his Com-
mission from his Lordship the appointm1 of the Rangers which
is expresly against an Act of Assembly of this Province, &

p. 195

not only so but has by the sd Commission Engrossed most of
the Offices in the Province

His Excellency acquaints the House that Mr Carrol has
shewed him an Address intended to be presented to the Lord
Benedict Signed by a great many Hands Wherein It was
prayed the Roman Catholicks should have an Equal Share in
all the publick Offices of this Province which his Excellcy
diswaded him from presenting & advised him to drop it
And told him He would oppose it with the utmost vigour.
That at Mr Carrols Request his Excellcy would not have ever
mentioned it, But now he finds Mr Carrol has broke his
word with him by offering it to the present Lord Proprietary
He thinks himself obliged in Conscience to notify it to this

Capt Mariartee & five more brought up from the Lower
House the following Message Viz.


p. 196

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 401   View pdf image
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