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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 399   View pdf image
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The Upper House. 399


a Lease should be made to Mr Darnal when I had offered
such a proposal concerning the Six pence p hhd by the Lord
Proprietary & Lord Guilfords orders. Therefore to give the
Country all due Satisfaction & to acquit myself of any unfair
proceeding, I do on the word of a Gentleman declare that I

U. H. J

neither directly or otherwise knew any thing of the above
Lease until Mr Carrol told me of it nor did I know any thing
of the Conditions of the sd Lease before I heard it read this
day in the Upper House of Assembly which I desire you will
do me Justice to acquaint the House with

July 24th 1716 John Hart
This House Adjourned for two Hours

Post Meridiem
The Upper House met again Present
His Excellency the Governour

p. 192

Thos Brooke Esqr John Hall Esqr
Col Wm Holland Col Thos Addison
The Honble Col Wm Coursey Philemon Lloyd Esqr
Lt Col Saml Young Lt Col Richard Tilghman
Col Thomas Smith


His Excellency the Governour withdrew
It was proposed and Resolved that this House will address
his most Sacred Majesty
Resolved that this House will address his Ldship the Rt
Honble the Lord Proprietary to congratulate his Lordship on
his Majesty's restoring him to the Governmt of this Province
Major Wilson & Mr Lloyd came from the Lower House
and saw Mr Rousby sworn to his Accts of the Duty of 3d p
hhd for Arms & the 9d p hhd for support of Governmt from
the 28th October 1714 to the 28th October 1715 which he did
in their presence
The Several following proposals were offered by his Excel-
lency the Governour for advancing the publick Credit of this
Province Viz.


1st That the Levys be laid at the Several County Courts in
the month of August yearly, And the time for Sherriffs to de-
liver accompts be by the 20th Octobr & to levy execution the
20th December.
2dly That all Persons indebted to the Sherriff upon any
Account whatsoever any Sum of Tobo not exceeding 250 lb
weight shall be obliged at or before the 20th December in
every year to bring it to certain places in the County appointee

p. 193

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 399   View pdf image
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