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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 398   View pdf image
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398 Assembly Proceedings, July 17-Aug. 10, 1716.

U. H. J.

Upon due observation made of the afd Lease & that his
Excellency the Governour has given the Country Assurance
of those Rents & Alienation Fines upon passing a Bill for an
additional Duty of 6d p hhd to his Ldship
His Excellency is pleased to say that It is very hard Usage
he receives, and that his Reputation is lessened and that he
can never give any Credit to such a person as Mr Charles
Low Who drew that Lease after such positive Letters to offer
the bargain to the Country
Resolved that the Scheme proposed by Mr Carrol & the
Lease now Cancelled be sent to the House with the following
message Viz.

By the Upper House of Assembly
July the 24th 1716
We herewith send you Mr Carrols Scheme relating to a
compensation for extinguishing the Tobo Rents and Alienation
Fines & also a Lease made by his Lordship's noble Guardian
to Mr Henry Darnal upon whose generous Declaration this
day in this House that he would not interfere with the Interest
of his Ldship & the Country & refusal to accept thereof Mr
Carrol has cancelled the same so that tho his Excellency

p. 191

thinks He has been hardly dealt with in that such a Lease
should have been made after the directions he had received to
make this offer to the Country yet now the publick have it in
their option to consider of this matter & scheme proposed
And whether It may be for their Interest to accept the Bar-
gain on the Terms of raising the whole Six pence p hhd or
otherwise paying his Ldship three hundred pounds Sterl p
annum & the Tobo in the Scheme mentioned to his several
Officers. We desire you to observe that there is £1000
tobo reserved in the Scheme beyond what is alotted his
Ldship's standing Officers (mentioned in the Lease) & must
be applyed to the Charge of keeping his Ldship's Rent Roll
Signed p order W Bladen Cl Up Ho.

Sent to the Lower House by all the Members of his Lord-
ship's Council
On which occasion the House Adjourned for a Quarter of
an Hour & immediately Sat again
His Excellency was pleased by the honble Col Holland to
send to the Speaker of the Lower House as followeth Viz.

Mr Speaker
I think my Reputation to be very much concerned that such

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 398   View pdf image
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