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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 397   View pdf image
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The Upper House. 397


If the Country shall think fit to pay the above Quantity of
Tobo at the Several places of Abode of the Persons to re-
ceive the same I think it the same thing for his Lordship And
doubt not but his Lordship will be very well Satisfied with
the yearly sum of three hundred pounds for himself
Charles Carrol

The Petition of John Ray of Prince George's County Read
praying that his Fine of £500 tobo imposed on him for not

U. H. J.

attending being summoned as a Juryman to Prince Georges
County Court He falling sick at the time when He should
have attended The Allegation being certifyed by the honble
Col Addison His said Fine is ordered to be remitted

This House Adjourned till Eight of the Clock to morrow

Tuesday July the 24th 1716
The Upper House of Assembly Sate Present

p. 189

Thos Brooke Esqr Col Tho5 Addison
Col Wm Holland Col Wm Whittington
The Honble . Col Wm Coursey Philemon Lloyd Esqr
Col Young Lt Col Rd Tilghman &
John Hall Esqr Col Thomas Smith


Ordered that Charles Carrol Esqr do forthwith appear be-
fore his Excellcy the Governour & this House and bring with
him the lease his Ldship has made of the Growing Rents
Ordered that a Letter be wrote to Mr Henry Darnall to
appear this morning at the Board
Mr Charles Carrol appearing His Excellcy tells him that
He now Speaks to him on behalf of the Lord Proprietary &
this Province And desires He will let him see the Lease His
Lordship has Granted of his growing Rents Which being
produced & Read appeared to be made by his Lordship's
Guardian dated the 10th day of April 1716 to Mr Henry
Darnall for the Term of Six years from the 25th Sepr 1714
And in Consideration of £300 Sterl money of Great Brittain
& 167000 tobo to be paid to Several of his Standing Officers
Mr Carroll says that if the Lease is not accepted by Mr


Darnal there must be also a Reservation of £10000 tobo for
keeping the Rent Roll Mr Darnal appeared & declared that
he would not interfere with the Interest of his Lordship &
the Country And refused to accept the sd Lease And there-
upon Mr Carrol in presence of this House immediately can-
celled the said Lease by breaking off the Lord Guilford's Seal

p. 190

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 397   View pdf image
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