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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 396   View pdf image
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396 Assembly Proceedings, July 17-Aug. 10, 1716.

U. H. J

Ordered that the following Message be sent to the Lower
House Viz.

By the Upper House of Assembly
July the 23d 1716.

His Excellency the Governour has been pleased to direct
John Rousby Esqr Who was his Majesty's Receiver of the
District of Patuxent to lay before your House the State of the
Revenue of 3d p hhd appropriated for purchasing Arms and
Ammunition for the Defence of this Province
Signed p order W Bladen Cl Up ho.

Sent by the Honble Col Holland
It being Represented at the Board that It hath been prac-
tical in this Province for the Delegates when they are met to
call to the Clerk of the Secretary's Office for the Journalls of
the Council in Assembly which by Act of Assembly are or-
dained to be lodged in that Office And that often the said
Journalls are mislaid

p. 188

Ordered that no Journal of the Council be delivered out of
the Secretary's Office except by his Excellency the Gover-
nour's order & for the perusal of this Board & upon the
Clerk of the Councils Receipt therefor
The Petition of Grace Brooke Executrix of Robert Brooke
late of Calvert County on behalf of William Gray was Read
& recommended to the Lower House to enquire into the
Allegations & upon due proof thereof to Admitt a Bill for
the relief of the sd Gray and sent to the Lower House with
the petition of Mr Philemon Hemsley by the honble Col
The following Scheme prepared by Charles Carrol Esqr his
Lordship's Agent being produced at the Board — Viz.





To what his Lordship can farm his Rents for
To what the Farmers pay to several Officers





67000 pds. tobo at 1 d p pd which his Ldship




must pay in Case the Law goes forward




To put his Ldship on as good a foot as he


may be by the farm proposed, there must
be yearly exported 2316 hhds tobo which
at 6d p hhd will make







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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 396   View pdf image
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