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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 395   View pdf image
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The Upper House. 395


in this Session to transfer all Fines & Forfeitures in the sd
Laws given to his Majesty his Heirs & Successours to the

U. H. J.

Right Honble the Lord Proprietary his Heirs & Successours
to the uses in the said Law mentioned

And thereupon the following Message was sent to the
Lower House Viz.

By the Upper House of Assembly
July the 23d 1716

We have debated the Latter part of your Message Con-
cerning the ReEnacting the Laws in his Lordships Stile And
do agree to your first Reason that you are not Sensible of
any material Addition to be made to them. And also to the
Second That the ReEnacting those Laws for the sake of a
Stile would look like Questioning the Authority by which
they were made which cannot be doubted of Likewise we
agree with your third Reason that the ReEnacting them
would be a great Charge to the publick. And having also
debated your fourth Reason we do not apprehend that the
continuing the Laws in the Stile they now are can be any
Derogation to his Lordship's Honour or Right of Govern-
ment or prejudicial to any Person Provided that an Act be
now made to transfer all the Fines & forfeitures by the
present Acts of Assembly to his Majesty his Heirs & Suc-
cessours to the Rt Honble the Lord Proprietary his Heirs
and Successours for the Uses in the sd Laws mentioned

Signed p order W Bladen Cl Up Ho.
Sent by the Honble Thos Brooke Esqr & Col Wm Coursey

p. 186

Capt Mariartee & two more brought up Mr George Val-
entines Petition

The House Adjourned for two Hours

Post Meridiem

The Upper House met Present as in the morning with the
Addition of the honble Col Holland

Ordered that Mr Carrol be reminded to prepare the Scheme
relating to his Lordships Rents which He undertook to do by
four of the Clock this Afternoon

p. 187

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 395   View pdf image
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