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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 394   View pdf image
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394 Assembly Proceedings, July 17-Aug. 10, 1716.


they were made (which we cannot admitt ought to be even
doubted) And Whereas by Re-Enacting them a great Charge
will fall on the publick And that the Continuing them in the
Stile they are now in Can be no Derogation to his Lordship's
Honour or Right of Government or prejudice to any Person
we hope your Excellency & Honours will excuse us from Re-
Enacting any other Laws than those that appear deficient.
Signed p order Thos Macnemara Cl Ho D.

Which being debated as to the first part of the message
relating to Omitting the name of the Lord Proprietarys
Guardian It was put to the Question whither this House
agree thereto,
And Resolved Nemine Contradicente that the House do
Concur with the Sentiments of the Lower House thereupon
And that the Stile of the Laws now to be Enacted be as now
proposed by the Lower House. But the latter part of the

p. 185

Lower Houses Message being also of great moment is also
referred to the further Consideration of this Board on Monday
And the Honbte Philemon Lloyd Esqr & Lt Col Tilghman
were sent to acquaint the House thereof
The Upper House adjourned till nine of the Clock on Mon-
day morning

Monday July the 23d 1716

The Upper House met according to Adjournmt on Saturday
last And were Present

His Excellency the Governour &ca


Thos Brook Esqr Col Whittington
Col Wm Coursey Philemon Lloyd Esqr
The Honble Saml Young Esqr Lt Col Rd Tilghman
John Hall Esqr and
Coll Addison Col Thos Smith


The Latter part of the Lower House's Message concerning
the Re-Enacting the Laws of this Province in his Lordship's
Stile being under Consideration This House do Concur with the
Delegates as to the 1st 2d & 3d Reasons against it. And as to
the 4th Viz. That the Continuance of them in the Stile they now
are in can be no Derogation to his Lordship's Honour or Right
of Government or prejudicial to any Person This House do
unanimously agree that It will be no derogation to his Lord-
ship's Honour or Right of Government should the Laws con-
tinue in the Stile they now are Provided that an Act be made

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 394   View pdf image
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