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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 393   View pdf image
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The Upper House. 393


proved incapable of Proceeding on her Voyage so that the sd
Rum was laden & imported in the Ship Neptune Randolph
Eaton master, And the Petitioner obliged by the Naval Officer
to pay the Duty of 3d p Gallon therefor
Resolved the said Petition be recommended to the Con-
sideration of the Lower House to concur with this House for

U. H. J.

his relief He having pursuant to the Encouragement given
by the Act of Assembly adventured his Vessel to import Rum
& Sugar
Coll Scott & nine other Delegates brought up from the
Lower House the following Message Viz.

By the Lower House of Assembly
July the 21st 1716.

May It please your Excellency and Honours,
In answer to your Message by the honble Thos Brooke Esqr
Col Thos Addison & Col Tho' Smith We hope It will not be
thought necessary to mention any thing in the Laws hereafter
to be made of the Rt Honble the Lord Proprietary's minority
or of his noble Guardian, for the Title of the Lord Proprietary
in the Laws is made use of as He is a Body Politick & not in
his natural Capacity And therefore Minority can't disable him
to pass the Laws And hope your Excellency & Honours
Concurrence will not be wanting in that particular
Thos the Stile used when the Lord Proprietary's noble
Ancestors had the Government of this Province was recom-
mended to us as the fittest Stile to use in our Laws yet we are
so well Satisfyed with the reasonableness of his Excellency's
opinion in respect to the the naming the Governour That we
agree the Stile to be used shall be as follows Viz.
By the Right Honble the Lord Proprietary by & with the
Advice & Consent of his Lordships Governour & the Upper
& Lower Houses of Assembly & by the Authority of the
same of which we hope your Excellency & Honours will
Signify your Approbation

p. 183

And as to that part of your Message which intimates his
Lordships Directions for Re-Enacting all the Laws Which
were Revised since his most gracious Majesty's happy Acces-
sion to the Throne Which indeed are all the Laws of Maryland
now in force considering all due Care & approbation of the
Legislature of this Province has been so lately used in forming
them so as to be useful & beneficial to the People And that
we are not Sensible that any material Addition can be now
made in them and that for Re-Enacting them for the sake of
a Stile would look like Questioning the Authority by which

p. 184

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 393   View pdf image
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