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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 387   View pdf image
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The Upper House. 387


land do in the first place inform himself of the Principal
Laws relating to the Plantation Trade Viz.
The Act for encouraging and encreasing of Shipping &
Navigation made in the 12th year of the Reign of King Charles
the Second
The Act for preventing Frauds & regulating Abuses in the
Customs made in the 14th year of the said Kings Reign
The Act for the Encouragement of Trade made in the 15th
year of the said King's Reign
The Act for regulating the Plantation trade made in the 22d
& 23d years of the sd Kings Reign And the Act for preventing
Frauds & Regulating Abuses in the Plantation Trade The
Act for Encouragemt of the Eastland & Green Land Trades
& better securing the Plantation Trade made in the 25th
year of the said King's Reign And the Act for preventing
Frauds & regulating Abuses in the Plantation Trade made in
the 7th & 8th years of King William the Third All which Laws
you will herewith receive And that He take a Solemn Oath to
do his Utmost that all the Clauses matters & Things con-
tained in the before recited Acts of Parliament heretofore
passed & now in force relating to our Colony & Plantations

U. H. J.

be punctually and bona fide observed according to the true
intent & meaning thereof
Second Article. And as by the last Recited Act the Officers
appointed by the Governours for performance of certain things
mentioned in the afd Act for the Encouragement of Trade
commonly known by the name of the Naval Officers are to
give security to the Commissioners of our Customs in this
Kingdom for the time being or such as shall be appointed by
them for our use for the true & faithful performance of their

He the said John Hart shall take Care that the Person
by him so Employed do not only give such security to the said
Commissioners of our Customs but be approved of by them
in manner as is thereby Enjoined.

Memorandum. A Copy thereof was delivered to the said
Mr Carrol
On Consideration of which said Articles The Council are of
opinion the said Mr Carrol is not capable of Executing that
part of his Commission relating to the Naval Office he having
refused to take and Subscribe the sd Oath of Abjuration

Memorandum. An Omission in the time of Enacting the
Act of Assembly Entituled an Act for repealing a Clause in
the third Querie put to Mr Carrol being Observed the same
was Shewed him in the Book of Laws to be made in the firs

p. 174

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 387   View pdf image
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