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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 386   View pdf image
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386 Assembly Proceedings, July 17-Aug. 10, 1716.

U. H. J.

Mr Speaker
I desire you will please to acquaint the Gentlemen of the
Lower House of Assembly that the Address presented to me
yesterday was very acceptable in every Circumstance
Their loyal Expressions of his most Sacred Majesty are a
continued Instance of their firmness & duty to his royal Per-
son of their ardent Zeal for the Welfare of the Protestant
I shall not be wanting to give the best impression I am
capable of to the Lord Proprietary (& to the Lord Guilford
on his behalf) of your hearty Congratulation of his Lordship
on his Restoration to his Government in this Province

p. 172

And as I am convinced that a good understanding between
the Lord Proprietary & the Inhabitants of Maryland is equally
the Interest of his Lordship & this People I shall not omitt
my Duty to inform his Lordship of such men as either have
or may lead his Lordship into improper measures so as to give
any disgust to the well affected in the Government
As to what relates to my Particular it is so very obliging &
kind that I chuse to make my Acknowledgements by the Sin-
cerity of my Actions as the best Return I can offer for the
good opinion they have of my Conduct

I am Sorry I have reason to Say notwithstanding I find my
Administration is so acceptable to this Province that I have
been under a necessity to desire my Lord Proprietary & my
Lord Guilford that they will please to remove me from the
Station I am in Some of my Reasons for such request will
appear to you on the Perusal of the Copy of Mr Carroll's
Commission herewith sent you
I would not be understood that I impute the Treatment I
have mett with to the Lord Proprietary nor yet to my Lord
Guilford but to the Advice of some persons who either are
not capable or unwilling to give better Council
John Hart

Memorandum. The Gentlemen who carryed the aforegoing
Reply also carryed a Copy of Mr Carrols Commission
The Conferees from this Board came & took their places
at the Board

p. 173

Mr Charles Carrol appearing at the Board the first Querie
put to him yesterday & his Answer thereto being Read, The
first & second Article of the King's royal Instructions follow-
ing were read to him Viz.
First. You shall give directions & take especial Care that
John Hart Esqr Deputy Governour of our Province of Mary-

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 386   View pdf image
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