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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 388   View pdf image
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388 Assembly Proceedings, July 17-Aug. 10, 1716.

U. H. J

p. 17

year of King George which He was desired to take notice of.
The oath of Abjuration was again offered to Mr Carrol by his
Excellency's order which he refused to take
Whereupon It was put to the Question whether Mr Charles
Carrol is capable of executing that part of his Commission
relating to the Naval Office he having again this day refused
to take the Oath of Abjuration enjoined by an Act of Assem-
bly of this Province made in the first year of his present
Majesty's Reign Entituled an Act repealing a Clause in an
Act of Assembly Entituled an Act for Establishment of reli-
gious Worship in this Province And also for appointing the
Oath of Abjuration to be taken in this Province
His Excellency declares that upon Mr Walter Pye & Mr
Henry Sewalls corning to him & acquainting him they were
appointed Surveyors General He had told them He would
advise with his Ldship's Council thereupon And that as to
any thing that related to my Lord's private Estate He does
not hinder those Gentlemen from acting by their Commis-
His Excellency was pleased to advise with Mr Carrol on the
Affair of the Law proposed for the additional Six pence p hhd
in lieu of his Ldship's Rents & Alienation Fines
Mr. Carrol says a Proposal was made by Mr Henry Darnall
to his Lordship to give him £300 p annum for his growing
Rents which would he believes have been accepted Provided
that his Lordships Officers Sallarys were payed also by the

p. 175

The Board Adjourned till nine of the Clock to Morrow

Saturday July the 21st 1716

The honble his Lordship's Council Sate Present as Yester-
The honble Thos Brook Esqr delivered the Report from the
Conference relating to the Stile of the Laws which was read
as follows Viz.

Maryland ss.

At a Conference Held at the House of Mr John Dodd on
Friday the 20th of July 1716



Thos Brooke Esqr Philemon Lloyd Esqr
The Honble - Col Wm Holland - Lt Col Rd Tilghman
Col Thos Addison Col Thos Smith

Of the Upper House of Assembly

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 388   View pdf image
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