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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 385   View pdf image
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The Upper House. 385


sd Col Edward Lloyd then received part & since received
the full one Half of the nine pence p hhd And sundry other
Perquisites Sufficient to answer his Charge of Attendance.
And forasmuch as we also find that none of those that pre-
ceded the sd Col Edward Lloyd in the said Station ever was
allowed such a Sallary & Charges and that by her Majesty's
Instructions He was constituted a Body distinct from the
Rest of the Council therefore Resolved Nemine Contradicente
that the said Allowances were made craved & received by
him on his misinformation And that therefore the sd Col
Edward Lloyd ought to account for & pay the same to the
publick with which we pray your Excellency's & Honours
Signed p order Thos Macnemara Cl Ho Del

Which being debated & Considered Resolved that a Copy
of the Lower House's Resolve be sent to Col Lloyd and that
He have notice to attend here on Friday next or send his
answer in writing thereto

And the honble John Hall Esqr & Col Thos Smith sent to
the Lower House with the following answer

By the Upper House of Assembly
July the 20th 1716
Gentlemen —

We have debated & Considered your Message by Cap
Scott & five others of your members relating to the honble
Col Edward Lloyd & have ordered a Copy of your Resolve

U. H. J.

p. 17o

to be sent him and at the same time directed him that He
should either appear here in person or send his answer in
writing by Friday next upon which we shall be better able to
proceed & ground our Judgements
Signed p order W Bladen Cl Up Ho Ass.

The said Gentlemen return & say they have delivered their
The Board adjourned for two Hours

Post Meridiem

The Council in Assembly Sate Present as in the morning
Save the Gentlemen appointed upon the Conference last night
which is still continued & now Sitting
His Excellency in Reply to the Lower House's Address
was pleased to send the following Letter to Mr Speaker by
Col Coursey Lt Col Young Mr Hall & Col Whittington Viz.

p. 171

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 385   View pdf image
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