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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 384   View pdf image
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384 Assembly Proceedings, July 17-Aug. 10, 1716.

U. H. J.

Friday July the 20th 1716
The Honble his Lordship's Council in Assembly Sate
Present as yesterday
John Dansey Esqr Collector of the District of Patuxent
made Oath to his List of Shipping Entring & Clearing in the
sd District till the 24th of June last Also to his Account of
the one penny p pound Ended on that Quarter Day. Also
to a List of fines & Forfeitures arising in Potowmack Dis-
trict and Ending at Mid summer last
Mr Evan Jones his Deputy Collector made Oath to the
like Lists & Accounts in the Port of Annapolis
His Excellency communicated to the Board & laid before
them the following Paragraph of the Lord Guilford & Lord
Baltimore's Letter of the 19th September 1715 Viz.
We are Satisfied with the Substance of the new Law relat-

p. 165

ing to the Rents but the Stile of that and all Laws for the
Future must run as they used to do in my Lord Proprietary's
Name now the Crown has restored him to his Just Right the
Government of this Province; so now the 15d & the 18d p
hhd must be made payable to the Lord Proprietary in Satis-
faction for taking his Quitt Rents in Tobo at 2d p pound And
for the better Support of the Governmt of this Province
Which Law may be made to commence from Michaelmas
1715 for five years by which time we shall be of Age And
that there may be no mistake as to the drawing the Clause
of the new intended Act we have sent you inclosed one that
you are to follow And we think you had best put a Clause in
the new intended Act to make the old Law of two Shillings
p hhd subsist to Michaelmas 1715 if not already provided for
your Knowledge in this matter will best direct you
Col Scott & five others brought up from the Lower House
the following Message Viz.

By the Lower House of Assembly
July the 20th 1716

May It please your Excellency and Honours
On inspection into the Journals of the House of Delegates
during the time the honble Col Edward Lloyd was President
& Commander in Chief of this Province & by the Testimony
of Several Members of this House We find that the said Col
Edwd Lloyd on his Allegations that He had not then received
nor had any Certainty of receiving any Benefitt by his being
President was allowed the Sallary & Itinerant Charges of a
Councellour amounting in the whole to £52 ... 13' ... 6d and
29580 £ tobo notwithstanding which Allegations we find the

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 384   View pdf image
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