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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 383   View pdf image
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The Upper House. 383


within the same as by the Tenour of a certain Act of the
Assembly of this province made in the second year of her
late Majesty's Reign Entituled an Act for Establishing of Reli-

U. H. J.

gious Worship in this Province and also for appointing the
Oath of Abjuration to be taken in this Province which is now
in full force & unrepealed And which sd Oath has been since
tendered to him which He has refused to take & Subscribe

The said Mr Carrol was also desired to inform his Excel-
lency and this Board who are the present Surveyours General
of this Province And who are to be the Deputy Surveyours

To all which Queries the sd Mr Carrol was desired to re-
turn his Answer to this Board by ten of the Clock to morrow

Mr Robert Tyler & three more brought up the following
Answer Viz.

By the Lower House of Assembly
July the 19th 1716

May It please your Excellency and Honours

That part of his Excellency's Speech relating to the Laws
to run in the Stile used when the Lord Proprietarys noble
Ancestors had the Government of this Province

The better to understand our Duty therein & that no mis-
takes may happen in the manner & method of complying
with what his Excellency recommended to us in that par-
ticular We pray a Conference with some of the honble Mem-
bers of the Upper House upon that Subject And that your
Excellency & Honours will please to appoint the Time &
Signed p order Tho5 Macnemara Cl Ho Del.

p. 167

Upon Reading whereof Resolved that the Conference be
granted And that the honble Thos Brook Esqr Col Wm Hol-
land, Col Addison, Philemon Lloyd Esqr & Lt Col Richd
Tilghman & Col Thos Smith be appointed to confer with the
Conferees to be named by the Lower House at Six of the
Clock this Evening at Mr Dodd's House on that Subject And

that the Honble Col Addison & Philemon Lloyd Esqr go &

acquaint the Lower House thereof
Pursuant whereto the sd Gentlemen went & acquainted the
Lower House thereof
The Upper House Adjourned till nine of the Clock to
Morrow morning

p. 168

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 383   View pdf image
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