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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 262   View pdf image
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262 Assembly Proceedings, April 26-June 3, 1715.

C. P.

Just Debt and Costs as afd in as full and Ample Manner as if
the Debt were recovered by Due Course of Law

p. So

And be itt further Enacted by the Authority Advice and
Consent afd that the Altering or Scratching out of the Mark
of any Tobo received and Paid in hogsheads or Altering and
Changing the Quality of Tobo in hhds soe received or paid
Either by Uncaseing or otherwise without Lawfull warrant in
writeing under the hand of such person who received the
same or for whose Use the same was Received and paid be
Deemed and Abjudged ffelony and whosoever shall be found
Guilty thereof by Confession or by Verdict of twelve men in
any Court of Record within this Province shall have Judg-
ment to restore fourfold to the party Grieved and stand in
the pillory two hours dureing the Court time with his Offence
fairly written in Paper and placed on the back of such Con-
vict person. Provided that no person be prosecuted on this
Act for the afd Offence after one year and a Day from the time
of the Offence Committed. And to prevent the ffraudulent
practices used in packing Tobo in hogsheads,
Be itt Enacted by the Authority Advice and Consent afd that
if Any person or persons having the possession property rule
Directions Overseeing or Government of Any plantation or
place where Tobo is or shall be made shall use any falacious
ffraudulent or Deceitfull means or practices to Conceale or
hide any frost bitten trashy Ground Leaves or small dull

p. 81

scrubbs or any Stalks Stems wood Stones Dirt or Any other
Manner of Trash or old Decayed Tobo in the Inward parts of
such hogshead when the Generality of such Tobo as shall be
packed in the Outward parts is good sound and Merchantable
or that itt shall be Deemed or Adjudged by the Court or the
Jury before whome such Matter shall be Tryed or Called in
Question that such Packing falls within the Ancient Comon
received notion of what false packing hath been hitherto
reputed to be and any such hogshead or Cask of Tobo pay or
offer or tender to pay away on Any Account whatsoever that
then the person or persons that shall pack or Cause to be
packed any such Tobo in any such Manner as afd or wittingly
suffer the same soe to be shall for Every hhd that they shall
soe pack or Cause or wittingly Suffer to be soe packed and
paid or offered or tendered to be paid away forfeit and pay
the Quantity of one Thousand pounds of good sound Mer-
chantable Tobo in Cask the one halfe thereof to our Sovereigne
Lord the King his heirs and successors towards the defraying
the Charge of the County where such fact shall be Committed
the other halfe to the party Grieved or in default of Prosecu-
tion by the party Grieved within three months after notice of

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 262   View pdf image
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