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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 263   View pdf image
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Acts. 263


such fact Committed to the Informer or to him or them that
shall sue for the same to be recovered in Any Court of Record
within this Province by Action of Debt bill Plaint or Informa-
tion wherein no Essoyne protection or wager of Law to be

C. P.

And whereas severall People may Complaint itt will be an
hardship upon them to throw away all their small dull Scrubby
Tobo & Ground Leaves,
Be itt Enacted by the Authority Advice and Consent afd
that if any person or persons shall pack any such Tobo in Cask
or Otherwise by ittselfe without faceing itt with good Tobo with
designe of Deceipt and shall before saile of Such Tobo declare
to the party purchaseing such Tobo the Nature and Quality
thereof they shall not Incurr the penalties before in this Act
Imposed on such as false pack Tobo Anything in this Act to
the Contrary Notwithstanding.

p. 80

An Act to declare how the forty pounds of Tobo p poll in such
parishes where there is no Incumbent shall be Disposed of.

Whereas by An Act of Assembly made att a Genll Assembly
begun and held att the Port of Annapolis the Sixteenth day
of March one thousand seven hundred and one Intituled an
Act for the Establishment of Religious Worship in this Prov-
ince According to the Church of England and for the Main-
tainance of Ministers there is no provision made where there


is a Vacancy or no Incumbent in a parish how or to what use
the forty pounds of Tobo p poll shall be Applyed, Therefore
the Burgesses and Delegates of this prsent Genll Assembly
pray that it may be Enacted,
And be itt Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Majesties Governor
Councill and Assembly of this Province and the Authority of
the same that what Tobo of the said forty p poll hath is or
shall become due in any parish where there is hath or shall be
no Incumbent the said Tobo shall be Employed and Applyed to

and for the Uses following (that is to say) by the Vestrymen

of Each respective parish who are hereby Impowered to Dis-
pose thereof for and towards the repairing such Churches as
are already built finishing and Compleating the Insides thereof
as the said Vestrymen shall think fitt or for the purchaseing a
pulpitt Cloath Cushion bible or Comon Prayer book or Church
plate for the Use of the said Church And if Any Vestry hath
already Applyed or laid out the said Tobo or any part thereof
to the Uses afd such Application or Disposall is hereby

p. 83

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 263   View pdf image
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