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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 261   View pdf image
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Acts. 261


tight house with a good Door Lock and key upon Every
Plantation where such Tobo is made as afd and Sufficient to
Containe the Tobo made on Every Plantation.

C. P.

And be itt ffurther Enacted by the Authority afd that Every
Inhabitant or house keeper as afd having a Plantation whereon
he maketh or Causeth to be made any Tobo as afd And that
shall Pay away or Dispose of any Tob" to any Merchant
Master of Shipp Sailor or Any other person whatsoever shall
notwithstanding such Disposall or payment secure and keep
the said Tobo as he would Doe his Own proper goods for and
dureing the Space of one whole year Commencing from the
time the Tobo was Received as afd And if any Tobo soe
received as afd for want of such house as afd should be Dam-
nifyed or Stole the person Neglecting to provide such house
shall make Satisfaccon to the party that received the same.
Provided always that nothing in this Act Contained shall be
Construed meant or Intended to make any Inhabitt or house
keeper Lyable to any Damage which shall or may happen to
any Tobo soe Left with him to keep secure through any other
Casualty whatsoever.
And be itt Enacted by the Authority afd by and with the
Advice and Consent afd that any person or persons whatsoever
Merchants or Others within this Province that have att any
time within twelve months Last past received Mark't or Nailed
or for the future shall receive Mark or Naile any hhd or hogs-
heads of Tobo within this province of any person or persons
Debtrs within the Same and which hath been paid and Deli-

p. 78

vered to them for Satisfaction of their said Debts and such
Merchts or others have upon receipt Marking and Nailing such
hhd or hhds of Tobo Delivered up their bills or other Security
to their respective Debtors of their said Debts or if the said
Merchants or others have given releases or Discharges to their
said Debtors of their said Debts and that before the said
Merchants or others Could remove the said hogshead or
hogsheads of Tobo from the Debtors Tobo houses if any Sher.
shall Come and seize such Tobo soe mark't and nailed as afd
that then and in Every such Case if the party refuse to make
and give to the said Credittors some other full Satisfaction for
their said Debts itt shall and may be Lawfull for any two of
his Majestys Justices of the respective Countys within this
province upon due proofe thereof made before them of the
said Debt and Sher. Seizure as afd and the party Debtor
Refuseing to make that full Satisfaccon to their Credittors for
their said Debts att the said Credittors request to Award him
Execution with such Costs not Exceeding one hundred pounds
of Tobo agt the body Goods or Chattells of such Debtor to
be Executed by the Sherriffe for Satisfaction of the Credittors

p. 79

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 261   View pdf image
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