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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 260   View pdf image
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260 Assembly Proceedings, April 26-June 3, 1715.

C. P.

Debtor or Debtors in full Discharge of their said Debts and
Judgmts if Tendered and paid att any one Convenient place
in the County.

p. 76

And be itt further Enacted by the Authority Advice and
Consent afd that in Case any Credittor or Credittors who shall
have Judgment or Judgments against any Debtor or Debtors
and shall refuse to Accept and take from his or their Debtor
or Debtors such Commodity's being of the Growth of this
Province as afd in Satisfaction of the Judgment or Judgments
afd but shall sue out Execution against the Debtor or Debtors
upon the Judgment or Judgments afd and Imprison the Debtor
thereon then and itt shall and may be Lawfull to and for the
Sher. in whose Custody the Debtor is and such Sher. is by this
Act required to receive and take of the said Debtor his
prisoner the Sevll Commodities afd or soe many of them being
of the Growth of this Province as the said Debtor his prisoner
shall offer to him to the full Vallue of the Debt and Costs and
shall forthwith sett att Large and Discharge the said Debtor
from his Imprisonment and such Credittor or Credittors shall
have no other Action against such Sher but for the Comudities
soe as afd reced paying to the Sher his ffees for takeing the
said Commodities.

Provided that this Act nor Any thing therein Contained
shall be Adjudged to Extend to Merchants Adventurers who
trade from Great Brittaine hither nor to the payment of any

p. 77

protested bill or bills of Exa that have been or shall be Drawn
by any person or psons whatsoever upon Any person or
persons in Great Brittaine or Elsewhere out of this province
to whomsoever the same be Payable but in all such Cases they
shall be as they were before the Makeing of this Act Any
thing in this Act to the Contrary thereof in any wise notwith-
standing. This Law to Endure for three years and to the end
of the next Sessions of Assembly after the three years.

An Act for secureing Merchants and others Tobo after they
have received itt and the Declareing the Altering the
Marke or Quality thereof to be felony and against false

Be itt Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and
with the Advice and Consent of his Majestys Governor Coun-
cill and Assembly of this Province And the Authority of the
Same that from and after the publicacon hereof Every house
keeper and Inhabitant within this province having a Plantation
whereon he maketh or Causeth to be made any Tobo shall
build and Erect or otherwise fitt up and make ready a good


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 260   View pdf image
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