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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 259   View pdf image
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Acts. 259


may be Lawfull for the Provinciall Court of this province to
hear and Determine all Actions of Tresspass and Ejectment
allready Depending before them or which shall be Comenced
before the first Day of June one Thousand Seven hundred
and Sixteen Any thing in this Act to the Contrary in Any
wise Notwithstanding.
And further that this Act nor any Clause therein Contained
shall be of force or put in Execution within any of the Countys
of this Province Untill the first Day of June in the year of our
Lord God Seventeen hundred and Sixteen or Continue in
force Longer then three years after the said first Day of June
Seventeen hundred and Sixteen

C. P.
p. 74

An Act for Encouragement of Tillage and reliefe of Poor

Be itt Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by
and with the Advice and Consent of his Majestys Governour
Councill And Assembly of this Province and the Authority of
the same that Every person or persons Inhabitants of this
province who after the end of this Session of Assembly shall
be Indebted to any person or persons whatsoever Inhabitants
of this Province in Any Sume or Sumes of Mony or Quantity
or Quantities of Tobo by bill bond book Debt or Account or


that shall have any Judgment or Judgments given and Entered
against him or them in Any Court of Record within this
Province itt shall and may be Lawfull for such Debtor or
Debtors respectively to pay and Discharge themselves from
such Debts and Judgments when they have not the Specie for
which the said Judgmts were given by the Sevll things following
being of the Growth and production of this Province (that is
to say) Beefe in well Seasoned Cask tared and the Tare on
the head sett Merchantable and well saved att three halfe
pence p pound Pork in well Seasoned Barrells or the Cask
Tared and the Tare on the head sett Merchantable and well
Saved att two pence p pound Bacon att three pence halfe
penny p pound Dryed beefe att three pence p pound Wheat
att three Shillings and Six pence p Bushell Oats att two
Shillings p Bushell Barley att two Shillings p Busll Indian
Come att one Shilling and Eight pence p Bus" Pease att
three Shillings and Six pence p Busll Beenes att two Shillings
and Six pence p Busll And the Prices of the afd Comodities
shall be rated in Tobo att the rate of one penny p pound as
they are before rated and the Credittor and Credittors of such
Debtor or Debtors are by this Act Enjoyned and required to
Accept and take such Commodities or any of them from their

P- 75

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 259   View pdf image
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