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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 258   View pdf image
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258 Assembly Proceedings, April 26-June 3, 1715.

C. P.

p. 72

give the Especiall matter in Evidence And if the Plaintiffe
shall discontinue his Suite or Judgment pass against him the
Defendant or Defendants shall recover his or their Double
costs for his or their Unjust Vexation.
Provided always that if Either of the said parties dispute-
ing bounds as afd shall find himselfe Aggrieved by any such
order Determination and Decree as afd itt shall and may be
Law full for the persons soe Aggrieved to make Application
to the Governour for the time being for a Speciall Commission
to be Directed to three persons Inhabiting within this province
whereof one to be of his Majestys Councill or one of the Jus-
tices of the Provinciall Court and the other two to be well
skilled in the Art of Surveying and of Good Character such
as the Governor shall think fitt to Appoint to review such
Determination order and Decree who by Virtue of such Com-
mission shall have full power and Authority to review the same
According to the Directions and after the manner prescribed
in this Act and Either Confirme the same or otherwise to pass
such further Determination order and Decree of and upon
the premisses as to them shall seeme most Just and Equitable
soe always that the said review shall be made and fully Corn-
pleated and Entred as afd within three months from the time
of the Determination made by the first Commissioners from

p. 73

which Last Determination and Entry of the platt and Certifi-
cate thereof as afd there shall be no further review or Appeall
whatsoever Allowed to any of the Courts of this province But
in Case the pretensions of any party Grieved shall amount
unto or be Adjudged to Exceed the Value of three hundred
pounds Sterl'that then and in all such Cases such party may
have an Appeale from such sentence of the Commissioners of
review to the Kings Majesty in Councill he giving security to
prosecute such Appeale with Effect or Otherwise pay and
Satisfie all such Cost and Damage as shall or may Accrue to
the Other party for whome such Sentence has been given by
makeing such his Appeall as afd

Provided Nevertheless and itt is hereby Enacted And De-
clared that the party for whome such Sentence as afd shall be
given shall not any ways be Delayed by such Appeale to the
Kings Majesty as afd but Imediately put into Possession of the
Lands within the bounds soe Ascertained as afd and alsoe
Provided that where any bounds of Lands have been Already
settled and Determined by any Law Suits Arbitrations or
otherwise such Determination appearing upon Record the
same soe Settled and Determined shall remain and Continue
unalterable and no ways Subject to any View or review of the
Commissioners appointed by this Law and that itt shall and

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 258   View pdf image
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