of this Act they shall be Allowed halfe the ffees that are
Allowed them by Law in Other Cases for such like Services
and shall not Charge or Exact more on Paine of Incuring the
penalties Directed by the Act for Limittation of Officers ffees
against the offenders thereof. And to prevent the said Com-
missioners from being Molested and Disturbed in the Execu-
tion of their Commission —
Be itt further Enacted by the Authority afd that if any per-
son or persons whatsoever shall presume to molest Disturb
or Obstruct the said Commissioners or Surveyor or Any other
Officer or Assistant in performance of their duty afd in Any
Case within the Direction of thisAct [they] shall fforfeit and pay
unto our Sovereigne Lord the King his heirs and Successors
for the Support of Government the sume of one thousand
pounds of Tobo to be recovered in any Court of Record within
this province wherein no Essoyne protection or wager of Law
shall be Allowed.
And be itt Further Enacted by the Authority afd that if
Any Suit or Action be Comenced or Prosecuted against any
person or persons for what he or they shall doe in pursuance
of the Execution of this Act such person or persons so sued
may plead the Genll Issue and upon an Issue Joyned may