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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 256   View pdf image
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256 Assembly Proceedings, April 26-June 3, 1715.

C. P.

fair platts and Certificates thereof to be made by the said
Surveyor two thereof for the Contending parties and the third
to be fairly Entred in a book for that purpose to be provided

p. 68

by the Commissioners att the County Charge of good Large
Strong paper with a Leather or parchment Cover which said
books shall be Lodged with the Clerk of the County where
such Lands as afd Lye and kept among the Records of the
said County which said bounds so ascertained and Entred as
afd shall be and remaine the Certaine and Undoubted bounds
of the said Lands forever. And further the said Commis-
sioners after having Ascertained the Limitts and bounds as
afd shall and may by Vertue of this Act put Either the Com-
plainant or Defendant (as the Case shall require) into peace-
able possession of the bounds soe Determined And Also
Assess and Decree all Costs and Damages Accrueing there-
upon upon non payment whereof itt shall and may be Lawfull
for the party or parties Concerned to bring an Action att the
Comon Law for recovery thereof And to give such Order or
Decree in Evidence to prove the same in which Action no
Essoyne protection or wager of Law shall be Allowed and
that from all and Every of such Decrees and Determinations
there shall be no Appeall or review other then is hereafter
And be itt further Enacted by the Authority afd that such
Commissioners so Commissioned as afd in Consideration of
their time and trouble in Viewing the Sevll Lands in Contro-
versy as afd and passing such Order and Decrees as afd shall

p. 69

for Every day they Attend thereon be paid the sume of one
hundred pounds of Tobo p Diem and no more to be paid by
such of the Parties as the Commissioners shall Adjudge to
pay the same. And for Ascertaining what ffees the Surveyor
shall receive —
Be itt Enacted by the Authority afd that for all such surveys
which in this Case shall be made the said Surveyor shall have
such ffees as by Law are Settled for Primitive Surveys but if
in Case itt shall be found Needfull to Survey and run out only
one or more Lines of any the Adjacent Lands that then the
Surveyor for Every such Line or Lines by him run shall have
Only a Quarter of a pound of Tobo p perch and no more &
if itt shall soe happen that the Kings Surveyor of the County
shall be Either a person Interested in Any of the said Disputes
or related to Either party or that any Just Exception be made
against him and Allowed by the said Commissioners then the
said Commissioners shall appoint some other Skillfull and
honest person in his stead to pforme that Service. And for
the better Dispatch of business by the said Commissioners —
Be itt Enacted by the Authority afd that the said Commis-

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 256   View pdf image
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